Internship in Women's Fashion for German-English Bilinguals - Country manager

Plus d'info sur La Malle Française

Stage Commerce International Seine-Saint-Denis entre aujourd'hui et avril 2025 de 3 à 6 mois

La Malle Française is a new way to make shopping for women.

To sum up the concept : with body measurements and tastes of the customer, our stylist prepare a 12 personalized items box : 7 clothes, 2 pairs of shoes and 3 accessories. We send it directly at her home for free where she has 7 days to try the products, choose those she wants and send back the others.

There is no subscription and prices are store one’s. We work with high quality brands, mainly young premium designers.

Our mission is to help women finding best products, from best designers to match with their needs and their morphology.

We have one mantra : less purchases but better purchases.

Internship - Country manager

La Malle Française's ambition is to open its doors to Germany to expand there.

Your Missions

As a country manager, your goals will be to improve La Malle Française's reputation and market in Germany, but also to guarantee the smooth functioning of all operations in Germany with customers.

You will have to :

  • Identify and enhance acquisition channels
  • Supervise all german Public Relations
  • Manage the website traductions, and improvements according to german habits
  • Manage all the communication traductions (newsletter, social media...)
  • Help to set up the best operational practices to develop our service in Germany

About You

  • Native German speaking, speaking French or English too
  • Who knows perfectly the codes of german e-commerce
  • You are interested by fashion industry and you know the women trends in Germany
  • You are autonomous and proactive
  • Entrepreneurship enthusiast and adventurous

Join us ?

Our fast-growing start-up needs new expert to boost its development in Europe. Seize the opportunity to join a young and dynamic team to participate to the growth of an innovative concept in fashion.

(PDF - Max : 5 Mo)
(PDF - Max : 5 Mo)


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La Malle Française
Sébastien Mante

Télétravail partiel possible Indemnité à définir
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