Wabtec Corporation est un fournisseur mondial de premier plan d'équipements, de systèmes, de solutions numériques et de services pour les industries ferroviaires de fret et transport de passagers, ainsi que pour les marchés minier, maritime et industriel. Implanté dans plus de 50 pays avec plus de 25 000 employés, le groupe réalise un chiffre d’affaires d’environ 8 milliards de dollars
Fort de près de quatre siècles d'expérience collective chez Wabtec, General Electric Transportation et Faiveley Transport, la société possède une expertise numérique inégalée, une innovation technologique et des processus de fabrication et des services de classe mondiale.
Wabtec Corporation is one of the world's leading providers of high-value-added equipment, systems, digital solutions, and services for the rail transportation industry.
Drawing on nearly four centuries of collective experience through Wabtec, GE Transportation and Faiveley Transport, the company has unrivalled digital expertise, technological innovation and a world-class product and service offering. Wabtec employs around 27,000 people worldwide.
It's not just about your career... or your job title... it's about who you are and the impact you're going to have on the world. Do you want to think outside the box, do things that have never been done before to improve your life and the lives of others? Wabtec has been doing it for decades and we will continue to do so! Thanks to our people, our technology, our know-how and our size, Wabtec delivers ever better results to customers around the world.
Contrat en alternance Marketing Hauts-de-Seine septembre 2025 de 12 à 24 mois
Contrat en alternance Ingénierie Hauts-de-Seine septembre 2025 de 12 à 24 mois